Coronavirus Advice for staff and learners.

Updated 17/03/2020.

In response to the national situation regarding Coronavirus, Lancashire Adult Learning is following specific guidance for places of education from the Department for Education and Department for Health and Social Care, as well as following all advice set out by Public Health England. Classes remain open and we recommend that learners, staff and visitors attend their scheduled activities as normal. We will be continuously monitoring and reviewing the situation on a regular basis

If you present any of the symptoms associated with Coronavirus (cough, fever or shortness of breath) or have any questions regarding whether you should self-isolate, you must seek medical advice by going online to If you do not have internet access then call 111.

Further information and about coronavirus and the latest official advice is available at the Public Health England website You should notify us of your absence, details of who to contact are listed below. 

We would like to take the situation as an opportunity to remind staff and learners of the day to day things we can do to reduce the risk of spreading germs and viruses, including washing hands regularly. We are also asking that all visitors to the College use hand sanitiser which is located around the College buildings.

Preventative measures include:
  • Washing hands regularly
  • Using hand sanitiser
  • Catch it, bin it, kill it
  • Try not to touch eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Do not share items that come into contact with the mouth such as cups & bottles
  • If unwell do not share items such as bedding, dishes, pencils & towels
Contact Details
Lancashire Adult Learning: 0333 003 1717 /

Any changes to the present situation at College that may affect students and staff will be advised on our social media channels (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram), through email and on our website at;

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