Online Introduction to Deaf Awareness and BSL

Course Overview

In this one-off session you will be introduced to deaf awareness and British Sign Language (BSL) You will identify the barriers the deaf community face on a daily basis communicating in a hearing world. This session will cover tips on how to communicate more effectively with all deaf people. It will also teach you how to introduce yourself using British Sign Language and show you how you can continue to learn BSL independently after the session.

Sessions are delivered online and is a one-off 90 min sessions with further opportunities to develop your skills and knowledge further.

What Will I Learn and How Will I be Learning?

Contribution to the session through discussion and chat feature (where applicable)

Entry Requirements

There are no entry requirements for this course, however a level of spoken English is required to understand the content. Access to IT equipment with internet access

What Can I Do Next?

Your tutor will talk you through different types of progression route and our careers team will be able to help you to access other courses, within Lancashire Adult Learning or with other organisations.

For progression/further deaf awareness/BSL training opportunities visit:

Google British Sign language for a range of additional resources and activities to help you develop your signing skills further.

Lancashire Adult Learning run other associated and general interest courses, please see the latest course brochure for details.

If learners require in-depth advice on progression opportunities or guidance on career choices please contact our Information, Advice, Guidance and Careers Advisers on 0333 0031717 or e-mail to iag&

For general information about other courses, contact us on the number above, or on the

College Website

Additional Information

The Additional Learning Support Team work across college supporting students with a variety of learning needs in different ways.  Support can be requested at enrolment or at any point throughout your course. For more information telephone 0333 0031717 or email

For more information on booking onto a course, telephone 0333 0031717

What happens next

Once you’ve enrolled onto an online course, your tutor will get in touch with you ahead of your course start date to discuss how to access your online programme and will provide support with this process, where required.


Please note that our courses are eligible for adults aged 19+ who live in Lancashire. Find out more here.

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