Thousands of schoolchildren gain vital lifesaving skills with Lancashire Adult Learning and North West Ambulance Service on Restart a Heart Day

Seven thousand schoolchildren from across Lancashire received lifesaving skills training on Restart a Heart Day through a partnership between Lancashire Adult Learning and North West Ambulance Service.

Split across two sessions – and with training delivered through Zoom – children aged four to 16 took part in the First Aid Flash Mob event. The sessions developed knowledge around what situations require a 999 call, the difference between a cardiac arrest and a heart attack, what to do and who to call in an emergency situation, how to effectively administer CPR, and how to access a defibrillator should one be required.

On the eve of Restart a Heart Day, a fully subscribed Zoom event for adult learners was also held, with more than 100 participants learning similar lifesaving skills and techniques and gaining access to a range of useful resources.

The partnership between Lancashire Adult Learning and North West Ambulance Service continuing this month with the launch of new free Lancashire Lifesavers courses that can be booked via the Lancashire Adult Learning website.

Hundreds of people from across the Red Rose County have already benefited from training on these sessions previously and the partnership is aiming to create hundreds more.

Approximately 60,000 people in the UK suffer an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest every year and currently only one in 10 people survive. What’s more, the chance of survival is reduced by 10% for every minute without CPR and defibrillation.

Sarah Haworth, Curriculum Leader for Health and Wellbeing at Lancashire Adult Learning, said: “Restart a Heart Day was an absolute triumph and the engagement of the schoolchildren on such a scale was brilliant to see.

“The number of attendees was incredible and way beyond our initial expectations when we launched the event. I think it shows just how valuable and sought after First Aid skills are, and how our method of delivery is accessible to all.

“Both the sessions for adult learners and the children highlight the fact that these are basic skills that can be learned by people of all ages, and our thanks go to our partners at North West Ambulance Service for their support in making Restart a Heart Day such an enormous success. It has been a great example of adult community learning working in partnership with public sector services to support national campaigns.”

Cheryl Pickstock, Chain of Survival Lead at North West Ambulance Service, said: “During these strange times, it’s more important than ever before that we all look out for each other and now, thanks to this training there are even more people across Lancashire who have the skills to save a life – what could be more important than that?

“This year’s Restart a Heart Day was very different to previous years’ so to be able to train around 7,000 schoolchildren is a huge achievement and we’re really pleased we could be involved.”

Claire Atkinson, a teacher at Clitheroe Pendle Primary School, said: “It was such a great idea to put the lessons on through Zoom and our Year 6 class thoroughly enjoyed learning about lifesaving skills. One of my family members recently had a cardiac arrest and I found it really useful as it was very scary when it happened – luckily he did respond, but I feel a lot more confident now on how to act if it was to happen again.”

Amy Coulton, from Leyland, was one of the learners who took part in the session for adults. She said: “The Restart a Heart training was brilliant. I have avoided this for ages as I have been too scared to try it, but this has really helped to build my confidence. The presenters were great and very professional, and the session was really informative.”

As well as Lancashire Lifesavers courses, Lancashire Adult Learning provides a range of other First Aid courses. Visit our website to see what courses are currently available and enrol today at:

Lancashire Adult Learning is part of Nelson and Colne College Group, and the organisation recently launched its new Autumn range of courses for adults with more online learning options available than ever before to sup-port the county’s adult learners.

The new offer delivered by the College Group is a blend of online learning and classroom sessions in College or community venues across Lancashire, where safe to do so.

Further information about Lancashire Adult Learning can be found at or by calling 0333 003 1717.

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