Two hundred members of the public from Padiham and Burnley joined Lancashire Adult Learning’s drive to support people to socially prescribe.
Working in partnership with Burnley West Primary Care Network, the showcase event at Padiham Town Hall was the latest in a series of LAL roadshow events working with Primary Care Networks in Lancashire with the aim of encouraging members of the public to socially prescribe.
Social prescribing is about connecting people to non-medical support in the community – an example being where education is prescribed as an alternative to medication, empowering people with the right tools to become self-managing and resilient.
Visitors on the day included Lord Shuttleworth, and all had the chance to take part in ‘Have a go’ learning experiences including Healthier Microwave Cookery, Chair Based Exercises with Drumming, Mandala Stone Art, the Five Ways to Wellbeing, and First Aid, as well as Family Learning, Horticulture, Art and Singing, and Volunteering activities.
Those attending also had the chance to sign up to a wide range of Lancashire Adult Learning’s free Health and Wellbeing courses, as well as take up a free health check including blood pressure, blood glucose and weight measurement from a team of health professionals.
Nicola Hall, Head of Curriculum and Strategic Partnerships at Lancashire Adult Learning, said: “I’m absolutely thrilled at the response from the residents in Padiham and Burnley to our Community Wellbeing Day which was a huge success.
“The event was very well attended, and Padiham Town Hall was alive with around 200 members of the public participating in learning activities to improve their wellbeing.
“LAL’s aim is to help the people of Lancashire live longer, fuller and happier lives, and we are doing exactly that, with the support of Primary Care Networks like Burnley West and the great number of partner and community groups who attended the showcase adding value to the day.”
Dr James Fleming, Clinical Director of the Burnley West Primary Care Network, said: “As a local GP, I feel it is very important to get the basics right like smoking and exercise. As well as that though, we need to focus on our general wellbeing, which is what the day was about.
“There are so many services which are available to the public but they just don’t know about them. For example, the Padiham Community Choir is a fantastic way to help combat loneliness, promote community cohesion and learn something new at the same time. I wanted people to know about services which are free to access but can have a huge impact on health and wellbeing.
“If you could design a service from scratch that would support a community to improve its wellbeing, it would be exactly what Lancashire Adult Learning provides. When I was introduced to their work, I just couldn’t believe how relevant and wide ranging it was. I’ve wanted to do this for years and Lancashire Adult Learning have made this happen.”
Lord Shuttleworth said: “Health and Wellbeing is enormously important, and I think it is brilliant to see Lancashire Adult Learning and the NHS East Lancashire Clinical Commissioning Group working together to host such a wonderful event for the benefit of the community in Padiham and Burnley.
“I was aware of Lancashire Adult Learning’s work prior to attending the Community Wellbeing Event, but it has opened my eyes to the breadth of the offer and the ways in which adults right across Lancashire are supported by LAL and can access learning opportunities.”
Alice Binns, a member of the public attending the event, said: “I came to the wellbeing day with my sister, and I have been pleasantly surprised at the range of learning opportunities and community groups. It has been a very interesting experience and I have thoroughly enjoyed attending.”
Local organisations who joined the Lancashire Adult Learning team at the Health and Wellbeing event included Burnley FC in the Community; Burnley Leisure; Padiham Community Choir; Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale CVS; Lancashire Women; I Plato; Blind Society; Age UK; Cancer Care Team; Bowel Cancer; Slimming World; Steady On Team, Padiham Green Way; Male Carers’ Group; Virgin Care; Alzheimer’s Society.
Any businesses and organisations in Lancashire who would be interested in working with Lancashire Adult Learning’s Health and Wellbeing Team can contact Craig Pollard at
As well as its targeted delivery and partnership work, Lancashire Adult Learning offers a huge range of planned provision across the Red Rose County, from Arts and Crafts to Humanities classes, Languages to Health and Wellbeing sessions and Functional Skills English and Maths and Employability courses.
In February 2018, Lancashire Adult Learning was named as the inaugural winner of the national Adult and Community Learning Provider of the Year at the TES FE Awards.
Further information about Lancashire Adult Learning can be found at or by calling 0333 003 1717.