Lancashire Adult Learning’s drive to support people to socially prescribe arrives in Padiham next week with a Community Wellbeing Day.
Working in partnership with Burnley West Primary Care Network, the showcase event at Padiham Town Hall on Wednesday 4th March, from 10.30am until 2.30pm, is the latest in a series of LAL roadshow events aimed at encouraging members of the public to socially prescribe.
Social prescribing is about connecting people to non-medical support in the community – an example being where education is prescribed as an alternative to medication, empowering people with the right tools to become self-managing and resilient.
On the day, visitors will have the opportunity to take part in ‘Have a go’ learning experiences including Healthier Microwave Cookery, Chair Based Exercises with Drumming, Mandala Stone Art, the Five Ways to Wellbeing, and First Aid, as well as Family Learning, Horticulture, Art and Singing, and Volunteering activities.
In addition, visitors will have the chance to sign up to a wide range of Lancashire Adult Learning’s free Health and Wellbeing courses, and there is the opportunity to take up a free health check including blood pressure, blood glucose and weight measurement from a team of health professionals.
Sarah Haworth, Curriculum Leader for Health and Wellbeing at Lancashire Adult Learning, said: “After Lancashire Adult Learning’s successful social prescribing showcases elsewhere in Lancashire, we are delighted to bring our Community Wellbeing Day to the people of Burnley and Padiham, together with the Burnley West Primary Care Network.
“On the day, we are offering free community education courses designed specifically to empower people to manage their own Health and Wellbeing. Education and health are intrinsically linked and the courses that are available cover both mental and physical wellbeing.
“LAL’s aim is to help the people of Lancashire live longer, fuller and happier lives, and we can’t wait to bring our offer to Padiham Town Hall next week.”
Local organisations or community groups interested in finding out more about working together with Lancashire Adult Learning can attend too.
Those already joining the Lancashire Adult Learning team at the Health and Wellbeing event include Burnley Leisure; Padiham Community Choir; Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale CVS; Lancashire Women; I Plato; Blind Society; Age UK; Cancer Care Team; Bowel Cancer; Slimming World; Steady On Team, Padiham Green Way; Male Carers’ Group; Virgin Care; Alzheimer’s Society.
James Fleming, Clinical Director of the Burnley West Primary Care Network, said: “After 20 years as a doctor, I am firm in my belief that educational opportunities for patients and staff will allow us to respond to the changing healthcare climate.
“Lancashire Adult Learning provides exactly the right educational opportunities for our residents, to help them learn about themselves, and about health and healthcare.
“I hope that people will be able to find out about the vast range of learning opportunities that LAL provides for free – opportunities that are highly likely to contribute to an increase in their wellbeing.
“The unique selling point of LAL is that they have the facility to follow up those initial contacts with individual and group work, targeted to individual communities, which in the spirit of equality, will allow access from those who are least able to engage.”
Any businesses and organisations in Lancashire who would be interested in working with Lancashire Adult Learning’s Health and Wellbeing Team can contact Craig Pollard at
As well as its targeted delivery and partnership work, Lancashire Adult Learning offers a huge range of planned provision across the Red Rose County, from Arts and Crafts to Humanities classes, Languages to Health and Wellbeing sessions and Functional Skills English and Maths and Employability courses.
In February 2018, Lancashire Adult Learning was named as the inaugural winner of the national Adult and Community Learning Provider of the Year at the TES FE Awards.
Further information about Lancashire Adult Learning can be found at or by calling 0333 003 1717.