Railway Maintenance IAG - Brierfield

Course Overview

During the IAG session, you will meet College staff. We will provide all the information you need to decide about the Railway Maintenance training opportunity we offer and the type of work available in the industry. This will be a good opportunity for you to check if the Rail Industry is an environment you want to work in and whether you can commit to the training schedule. We will ensure that you are suitable for the programme, are able to access funding and you will undertake an English assessment whilst here to ensure you are prepared for the demands of the NVQ Level 2 course. We will cover ID requirements and information regarding the Drug and Alcohol Medical screening that takes place on the programme. Please attend the IAG session at your given timeslot.

What Will I Learn and How Will I be Learning?

English Assessment during the IAG session. Submit benefit/low income information to show that you are eligible for funding.

Entry Requirements

English Assessment - Entry Level 3 and above. Meet funding requirements. Able to commit.

What Can I Do Next?

Following the completion of this IAG session, the following progression option(s) are available:

NVQ Level 2 Railway Maintenance Programme

NVQ Level 3 Rail Engineering Programme

Health and Safety in Construction Programme

For general information about other courses check out the website www.lal.ac.uk

Additional Information

Any unspent convictions or ongoing investigations must be declared at the welcome and enrolment stage and the online declaration form must be completed and approved by our Safeguarding Team before attending and IAG session or College site. Failure to disclose may result in your place being withdrawn.

If you need any further information, please call 01254354423.


Please note that our courses are eligible for adults aged 19+ who live in Lancashire. Find out more here.

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